Happy Birthday bXg!!

We're taking a few minutes to share the BXG love and look at all that's been accomplished:
June 20, 2007: Beyond Ex-Gay (bXg) and Soulforce invite Exodus leaders to dinner.
June 27, 2007: Former Exodus leaders issue a public apology for their roles in the ex-gay world.
June 29, 2007: Dinner with three Exodus leaders.
June 29-July 1, 2007: Ex-Gay Survivor Conference; Reflections from survivors who attended.
July 2 - August 3, 2007: The Ex-Gay Survivor Initiative
Ex-Gay Survivors told their stories in front of places that promote and provide ex-gay therapy/ministry.
August 17, 2007: Three former ex-gay leaders in Australia add their names to the apology from June 27.
Fall 2008: Dozens of ex-gay survivors come forward to tell their stories through bXg, blogs, video and in the press.
February 22-24, 2008: Deconstructing the Ex-Gay Myth—A Weekend of Action and Art, Memphis, TN.
Upcoming April 6, 2008: bXg meeting with therapists to discuss treatment plans for ex-gay survivors.
Upcoming October 23, 2008: Ex-Gay Survivor Regional Gathering in Nashville, TN (part of God and Gays Conference).
Upcoming, date and location TBD: 2009 Ex-Gay Survivor Conference.
Stats: 125+ pages of content on bXg, 65,000+ unique hits, hundreds of contacts and emails, many lives influenced.
What's Next for us?
Beyond Ex-Gay has been a labor of love. We have accepted (with much gratitude) donations and have at times been able to partner with other organizations, but we need to pursue non-profit status to continue this important work.
It costs money to become a non-profit organization as well as to fund our upcoming projects. Any donatation would be appreciated (although please note, it is not tax-deductible at this time). We invite you to be an active part of the ex-gay survivor movement. Donate using any major credit card or e-check through paypal. If you would like send a check or a money order, please contact us and we will give you further contact information. Thank you for your generosity.
Congratulations to you both!!!!
Gorgeous pics!!! Happy B-day BXG!!!
Happy anniversary to bXg!!! Glad you are in existence!
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